Births Marriages & Deaths
Census (fully searchable for 1841, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, & 1901)
England in 1841
Mills & Millers
Occupations in Langham - 1881
Population figures - 1801 to 1901
School Log Book extracts - 1881
Search the site
Stamford Mercury 1841, 61 & 81
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
1841 - 1881 Project Index
Introduction to Langham Village History Group
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills
Agriculture in Langham
Chapel Close
Church of St Peter and St Paul
Cost of Living
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
Field Patterns, Names and Usage for Langham Parish - 1605 > 2000
angham Ghost
Postal Services and Families
Public & Ale Houses
Ranksborough, Baron -
Major-General Lord Ranksborough, C.B., C.V.O.
Rutland Maps
Search the site
Sources of Langham Local History Information 11th c > 19th c
The Influence of Geology on the Development of Settlement Patterns
The Name
Families & People
Mediaeval Dispute 1375
Mills & Millers
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Langham in the 2nd Millennium
1624 Parish Map
1665 Hearth Tax
Brewing in Langham from 1488 to 1546
Chapel Close
Families & People
Field Patterns, Names and Usage for Langham Parish - 1605 - 2000
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
Leases compiled in 1600
Manor Court Roll 1486 - 1546
Mills & Millers
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Owners of the Manor of Langham
Parish Registers 1559 - 1725, Baptism, Marriage and Burial
Population Increase in Langham during the period 1559 to 1726
Search the site
Sources of Langham Local History Information 11th c > 19th c
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills & Inventories
Boer War
Boundary survey 1878 - 1883
Brewery Timeline and Memories
Celebrations for Royal Occasions
Census data for the years (Langham) 1841, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 & 1901
Church Wardens Accounts - Extracts 1782 to 1840
Faggot Votes and The 1841 General Election
Families & People
Feast Week Hay Strewing
Field Names, Patterns & Land Usage for Langham Parish 1624 - 2000
Interactive parish map linked to Ordnance Survey local survey book pages
Laki Volcano event of 1783/4 and its effects on the population of Langham
Langham 1841 - 1881
Langham 1841 - 1881 Project Index
Law & Order
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
Mills & Millers
News Paper cuttings from The Grantham Journal (1826 - 1955)
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Old Hall Langham & The Barfoot Family
Owners of the Manor of Langham
Parish Church - Rutland & Stamford Mercury August 1862
(by Tom Paradise)
Parish (Local) Council
Population Statistics for the period 1841 > 1881 & 1801 > 2001
Post, Telegram & Telephone Services
Rutland Population figures by village 1795
Rutland Land Returns (Langham) 1873
Rutland Railways
Services - Water & Sewage
Search the site
Sources of Langham Local History Information 11th > 19th century
Tithe Map, Data & Instructions for use - also Tithe dispute reports (1839/41)
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Trades & Occupations 1841 - 1901 taken from the census data
Trade Directories (Langham)
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills & Inventories
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Trades & Occupations 1841 - 1901 taken from the census data
Trade Directories (Langham)
Why did increasing population run contrary to the national trend
Yew Tree Farm Milk Theft
A Bakers Boy
- Maurice Cocking reflects upon a curious coincidence
Bike Shop
Brewery Sale Document (Langham 1911) - View or download as a pdf
Celebrations for Royal Occasions
Census data for the years (Langham) 1841, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 & 1901
Families & People
Field Patterns, Names and Land Usage - 1624, 1760, 1841, 1939 & 2000
Gainsborough Sale 1925
Braunston, Brooke, Leighfield, Manton & Ridlington
Gun (Captured WWI German gun)
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
News Paper cuttings from The Grantham Journal (1826 - 1955) pdf
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Parish (Local) Council
Picture Gallery
Richard (Dick) Westbrook Baker - Grantham Journal Reports 1913 - 1923
Rutland Volunteer Regiment - Home Defence Corps Langham
Search the site
Services - Water & Sewage
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Trades & Occupations 1841 - 1901 taken from the census data
Trade Directories (Langham)
Village Hall - The Institute
Village Hall - Reading Room
WWI - Langham & Barleythorpe men who served in WWI
WWI & WWII - Langham & Barleythorpe War Memorial History
WWI - Life in Langham 1914 - 1919
WWI - 5th Battallion Leicestershire Regiment TF 6th Aug 1914
WWII - The Home Guard, Digging for Victory, 82nd Airborne, Those who died
WWII Arnhem memories
Yew Tree Farm Milk Theft
Births Marriages & Deaths
Census (fully searchable for 1841, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91, & 1901)
England in 1841
Mills & Millers
Occupations in Langham - 1881
Population figures - 1801 to 1901
School Log Book extracts - 1881
Search the site
Stamford Mercury 1841, 61 & 81
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
Introduction to Langham Village History Group
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills
Agriculture in Langham
Chapel Close
Church of St Peter and St Paul
Cost of Living
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
Field Patterns, Names and Usage for Langham Parish - 1605 > 2000
angham Ghost
Postal Services and Families
Public & Ale Houses
Ranksborough, Baron -
Major-General Lord Ranksborough, C.B., C.V.O.
Rutland Maps
Search the site
Sources of Langham Local History Information 11th c > 19th c
The Influence of Geology on the Development of Settlement Patterns
The Name
Families & People
Mediaeval Dispute 1375
Mills & Millers
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Langham in the 2nd Millennium
1624 Parish Map
1665 Hearth Tax
Brewing in Langham from 1488 to 1546
Chapel Close
Families & People
Field Patterns, Names and Usage for Langham Parish - 1605 - 2000
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
Leases compiled in 1600
Manor Court Roll 1486 - 1546
Mills & Millers
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Owners of the Manor of Langham
Parish Registers 1559 - 1725, Baptism, Marriage and Burial
Population Increase in Langham during the period 1559 to 1726
Search the site
Sources of Langham Local History Information 11th c > 19th c
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills & Inventories
Boer War
Boundary survey 1878 - 1883
Brewery Timeline and Memories
Celebrations for Royal Occasions
Census data for the years (Langham) 1841, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 & 1901
Church Wardens Accounts - Extracts 1782 to 1840
Faggot Votes and The 1841 General Election
Families & People
Feast Week Hay Strewing
Field Names, Patterns & Land Usage for Langham Parish 1624 - 2000
Interactive parish map linked to Ordnance Survey local survey book pages
Laki Volcano event of 1783/4 and its effects on the population of Langham
Langham 1841 - 1881
Langham 1841 - 1881 Project Index
Law & Order
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
Mills & Millers
News Paper cuttings from The Grantham Journal (1826 - 1955)
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Old Hall Langham & The Barfoot Family
Owners of the Manor of Langham
Parish Church - Rutland & Stamford Mercury August 1862
(by Tom Paradise)
Parish (Local) Council
Population Statistics for the period 1841 > 1881 & 1801 > 2001
Post, Telegram & Telephone Services
Rutland Population figures by village 1795
Rutland Land Returns (Langham) 1873
Rutland Railways
Services - Water & Sewage
Search the site
Sources of Langham Local History Information 11th > 19th century
Tithe Map, Data & Instructions for use - also Tithe dispute reports (1839/41)
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Trades & Occupations 1841 - 1901 taken from the census data
Trade Directories (Langham)
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th Century Langham Wills & Inventories
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Trades & Occupations 1841 - 1901 taken from the census data
Trade Directories (Langham)
Why did increasing population run contrary to the national trend
Yew Tree Farm Milk Theft
A Bakers Boy
- Maurice Cocking reflects upon a curious coincidence
Bike Shop
Brewery Sale Document (Langham 1911) - View or download as a pdf
Celebrations for Royal Occasions
Census data for the years (Langham) 1841, 51, 61, 71, 81, 91 & 1901
Families & People
Field Patterns, Names and Land Usage - 1624, 1760, 1841, 1939 & 2000
Gainsborough Sale 1925
Braunston, Brooke, Leighfield, Manton & Ridlington
Gun (Captured WWI German gun)
Langham Family Names 13th to 19th c
News Paper cuttings from The Grantham Journal (1826 - 1955) pdf
News Paper cuttings from the Rutland & Stamford Mercury (1722 - 1916)
Parish (Local) Council
Picture Gallery
Richard (Dick) Westbrook Baker - Grantham Journal Reports 1913 - 1923
Rutland Volunteer Regiment - Home Defence Corps Langham
Search the site
Services - Water & Sewage
Trades data 1841 - 1908 from local directories
Trades & Occupations 1841 - 1901 taken from the census data
Trade Directories (Langham)
Village Hall - The Institute
Village Hall - Reading Room
WWI - Langham & Barleythorpe men who served in WWI
WWI & WWII - Langham & Barleythorpe War Memorial History
WWI - Life in Langham 1914 - 1919
WWI - 5th Battallion Leicestershire Regiment TF 6th Aug 1914
WWII - The Home Guard, Digging for Victory, 82nd Airborne, Those who died
WWII Arnhem memories
Yew Tree Farm Milk Theft