Vera Revill and Jean Brown are just two of those who remember watching the parachutists
practising for the drop into Arnhem. Vera used to cycle from Oakham to watch and Jean recalls the
excitement when a parachute didn’t open “Never a thought for the poor soul on the end of it!”
Zetten (Holland) 17
September 1944 - Sophie Hendricks
It is Sunday lunchtime: a beautiful sunny day. My brother (aged 11) and I (aged 15) interrupt our
meal to investigate outside what all the noise is about.
Just at that moment, a low flying plane flies over our house, towing another one. We surmised
that one had engine trouble and the other one was helping him out by throwing a line to him.
Then we saw several planes in a like state. We didn’t realise at that moment that what we were
seeing were gliders.
We dashed off to a high building and stood on top to observe the most marvellous of spectacles:
gliders and parachutes falling down over Arnhem - a dream come true because we now believed
that our liberation had become a reality. However, we had to wait another six days before the
main army entered our village and we met our first “Tommies”.
It was not the end of the war for us yet, but the Germans had gone and we could put up with a few “problems” like
falling shells, flooding and evacuation.
Peterborough 4
May 2000
These memories are still very vivid. The soldiers have become elderly gentlemen with whom it is good to reminisce, and
I only have to look in the mirror to be reminded of my own age and to be grateful for all those years of freedom.
Today we remember our fallen and remind ourselves, and our next generations, of the duty of care we have to preserve
this freedom.
Read more about Langham in wartime, the 82nd Airborne based at Ashwell Camp, and, its Langham connections
Memorial in Parish Church
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
WWII - Arnhem