Meaning long village, Langham owes its origins to the Anglo Saxons, although Bronze,
Iron Age and Roman remains have been found within the parish.
As part of "Oakham Soke", the village’s connections with the town of Oakham, two miles
to the south, are long established.
The Domesday Book records Oakham as having five hamlets of which, it is likely,
Langham was one.
Being largely Royal property, Langham was given by successive kings to various favoured
families. It was granted to Thomas Cromwell by King Henry VIII and the Cromwell family
owned Langham until 1600 when it was sold by Gregory Cromwell to Sir Andrew Noel.
The Manor of Langham remained in the Noel family until 1925 when the sale of the
Gainsborough estates took place.
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
The Village Name