Abbott, John
Aldridge, Frank
Aldridge, Walter F.
Arnold, Arthur
Baker, Miss E. M.
Barnacle, John G.
Bird, Sidney
Bristow, Wm. E. 2nd-Lt.
Burdett, Cecil David
Burdett, Ernest
Burdett, George
Burton, W. S.
Casterton, Geo. Harrop
Champion, Bob
Clancy, Sidney
Clarke, Edward James
Clarke, Frederick
Clarke, Samuel C.
Clarke, Wm. Henry
Cole, Frank Knight
Cole, George
Cole, Richard
Conder, Arthur
Conder, James
Conder, Joseph
Cousins, A.
Cousins, Frank
Cox, Harry
Cramp, William
Davenport, Edward Wm.
Davenport, David Walter
Dawson, A. E. F. Colonel
Duffy, John
Edwards, Ronald
Faulks, Frank
Faulks, George
Faulks, Jim
Gale, George
Goodacre, John Henry
Gosling, Albert G.
Grimley, T. J.
Harris, George
Hibbit, Amos
Hollingshead, Edgar E.
Hollingshead, Hedley
Horton, Diverous
Hubbard, Harold (R.N.)
Hubbard, Harold James
Hubbard, Tom Robert
Isaac, Robert George
Jackson, Geo. Laban
Janney, Ernest Wm.
Jarmin, Henry
Lee, Wm. James
McClelland, Jos. V. 2nd-Lt.
Matthew, George
Maude, John Henry
Meadows, Albert E.
Meadows, Chas. Herbert
Munday, Cyril
Munday, Newton
Munday, Lan
Munday, T. Jnr.
Munday, Thomas Wm.
Neal, Sidney
Newell, Ernest
Newell, Harry
Nourish, Joseph
Nudds, C.
Peacock, Victor (RN.)
Peet, Horace
Prince, Charles W.
Rowett, John Henry +
Rowett, Thomas Henry +
Royce, Herbert
Rudkin, William
Sewell, Chas, Pettifer
Sewell, Frank
Sewell, George
Sharpe, George Henry
Shillaker, Harry
Shillaker, Thomas V. B..
Shillaker, Victor
Shuttlewood, Ronald E.
Shuttlewood, William
Sickling, Herbert
Smith, Charles
Smith, Charles Wm.
Smith, Danzey
Smith, John Henry
Smith, John Wm.
Smith, Stafford
Squires, Hy. Cecil 2nd Lieut.
Steel, Albert
Steele, George
Steel, Herbert Clifford
Steel, Leslie James
Stimpson, Frederick
Stimpson, Harold (RN.)
Storer, George
Storer, William
Taylor, Harry
Thompson, William
Turner, James
Vincent, Albert Harry
Vincent, Rodney
Veasey, C.
Veasey, William
Wade, Albert
Walters, Wm. Henry
Ward, Ernest
Warwick, Edward
Waterson, Frederick
Waterson, Wm. Thomas
Weston, George
Wilkinson, Geo. Wm.
Williamson, Fred
Williamson, Geoffrey
Williamson, Jesse
Williamson, J. H.
Williamson, Martin
Williamson, Philip
Worsdale, James
Worsdale, Thomas
In 1911 Langham’s total population was 625 of which 320 were males. 141 joined HM Forces
to serve in the Great War. 18 were killed and 21 were disabled.
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
+ Corrected spelling -
recorded as Rowlett in
“Rutland and the Great War”
Select the picture to see
those from Langham and
Barleythorpe who died
serving in the Great War
World War I - Langham, those who served