In 1846 according to White's Directory, Mrs Fowler was Langham's postmistress.
Slater's Directory 1850 records Frances Fowler as postmistress and declares that letters arrive from all parts
every morning at nine.
From 1858 to 1864 various directories list Thomas Nettleship, John Hayes and Henry Hayes as postmasters.
Harrod's Directory 1870 states that sub-postmaster is Robert Bown, letters arriving at 8-00a.m. and being
dispatched at 6-00p.m. Mr Bown was also a baker and a miller - his daughter ran the postal services.
Kelly's Directory 1908 records Robert George Isaac as Postmaster and tells us that letters arrived from Oakham
by mail cart at 6.45a.m. and 12.30p.m. And were dispatched at 11.55a.m. and 6.55p.m. With no delivery
on Sunday.
The original Post Office site was at 33, Church Street but moved in 1910 to The Green (19 Church Street).
The post mistress of that time was Mrs. Isaac, who, as well as being in charge of postal services, was responsible
for the manual telephone exchange. When the number of telephone subscribers reached twenty, and the
switchboard had to be manned for twenty-four hours a day, the manual system was abandoned in favour of the
automatic exchange.
Early subscribers to the Langham Telephone Exchange are listed as Colonel Brocklehurst, Ranksborough House;
Earl of Cowley, Cold Overton Hall; H.H. Parry, Langham Brewery; G Ruddle, House near Brewery; H.R. Wyndham,
The Old Hall.
After forty-three years Mrs Isaac sold out to a couple from Yorkshire, Mr & Mrs Dawson (Dyson), who according
to village history "didn't really settle".
Jimmy Little made the move to the end of Well Street and on his retirement the business was taken over by his
daughter and son-in-law, Sheila and Bob Walker.
It was Bob and his assistant June Matlock who, in 1986, moved the Post Office almost back to its first home in
Church Street. When Bob retired the Post Office ceased for a short period and has now returned (2009) two
mornings each week.
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
Post, Telegram & Telephone Services
The first telegram received by Langham Post Office, was sent at 6:32pm
on the 17th April 1889 from Redcar by a member of the Mantle family to
the Post Master Mr Bown. The telegram was received at 7:19pm
Langham Post Office is the building on the right
The Isaac’s & Palmers outside Langham Post Office