In the Middle Ages, Bishop Dalderby of Lincoln (1300-1328) granted an indulgence for the
construction of the Chapel of the Hermitage and between 1320 and 1327 successive Hermits
named John de Norton and John de Warrewyck were granted royal protection in seeking
alms throughout the country. In 1393, Pope Boniface IX issued an indulgence from Perugia,
relaxing penance on penitents who made a pilgrimage and gave alms for the repair of
St. Helen’s Chapel. [This was a recognised way of raising money for church purposes at that
time.] Whether St Helen’s was the same as the Chapel of the Hermitage, and where either
of them were is not known. It is recorded that some skeletons were dug up at Langham in
1825 in a small close which had been "known for many centuries as Chapel Close".
29, Church Street was a thatched Methodist Chapel before conversion to a cottage.
There was a Primitive Methodist (formerly Wesleyan) chapel in Bridge Street opposite the
yard of the Noel Arms. In 1908 the Trustees of the chapel asked for sanction "to sell the
chapel and cottage at Langham. Proceeds to be devoted to the payment of existing debts of
£75." The reasons given for the request were:
We find it utterly impossible to gather and maintain a society
The village is small, there being not more than 500 people residing in the neighbourhood
The village is well supplied by Baptist and Episcopalian churches
It is not more than two miles from Oakham - the head of the station
The chapel became Mr. Stacey’s shop, now demolished.
The Baptist Chapel
On July 21st 1853 a piece of pasture land, one rood and thirty eight perches, with a right of way, ten feet broad,
from a gate erected at the North side to run to the East side of the cottage, was sold by James and William Cross to
Thomas Swingler.
The Chapel was built during 1854 and opened on Thursday June 21st 1855.
An Indenture was made on the 16th December 1856 to:
John Hubbard of Langham - Maltster
Thomas Riley of Langham - Grazier
Thomas Swingler of Langham - Farmer
Frank Riley of Stamford - Butcher
They were admitted tenants to the land and to the Baptist Chapel.
The premises to be used as a place of public religious worship, by Calvinistic Baptists.
Langham and Barleythorpe - David Tew
Records of Langham Primitive Methodist Chapel 1891-1909, LRO
Stamford Mercury Archives
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