Being Royal property, successive kings gave the Lordship to various influential families:
de Newburgh family, Earls of Warwick (Henry 1st)
de Ferrers (1135 sub tenants) (1204 King John granted to Isabel de Ferrers)
Richard, Earl of Cornwall (1252 by his brother Henry III)
Clare family
Audley family
de Bohun family (on the death of william de Bohum in 1360 remained with the King until 1385)
Earl of Oxford 1385 -1388
In 1390 it was granted to Edmund, Earl of Rutland who died at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415.
After that the King granted the Manor to the Stafford family, Dukes of Buckingham, till 1530 when Henry
VIII resumed possession.
A year later he granted it to Henry Norris for life, but shortly afterwards Norris was accused of having
an affair with Anne Boleyn and was executed. Thomas Cromwell obtained Oakham and Langham and
settled them on his eldest son Gregory. Even after Thomas‘s execution the Cromwell family continued to
own Langham till 1600 when financial difficulty forced the sale to Sir Andrew Noel.
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
The Manor of Langham - David Tew