The History Group was formed following the Langham 2000 exhibition to develop work already undertaken, by investigating
some of the issues that had come to light.
The first group project was a study of the period 1841 – 1881 to investigate the reasons for population growth in the village
during that time, against a background of most other villages declining. This involved transcribing and collating the 1841, 51,
61, 71, 81, 91 & 1901 census returns and analysing the data.
(The returns are now freely available on this web site in a fully searchable format.)
The tithe map & apportionment data for the village were mapped electronically and this data is also available on the website.
Individual members have continued to work on their own particular interest areas adding to the wealth of information that
the group has in its archive.
In 2006 an award of £23,000 was made by the Heritage Lottery Fund to research The Life and Families of 17th Century
Langham. The project commenced in September 2006 and culminated in an exhibition and book launch in May 2009.
Professor Alan Rogers, our mentor, advised on research methodology; collection and sharing of information and the
preparation of written material. Members chose their research topics from a pre-prepared list. These included: Agriculture,
Trades & Occupations, Finance & Taxation, Health, Charities, Education & Learning, Homes & Furnishings, Costume, Food, The
Role of Women, Transport, Roads and Tracks, Maps, The Church, Buildings and a Time Line.
Our work has included the transcription of more than one hundred and fifty wills and thirty inventories, the transcription of
our Parish Records of the period and detailed study of leases and documents from the Gainsborough estate, Westminster
Abbey and elsewhere.
In undertaking their research members have visited: Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland Record Office; Northampton Record
Office; Lincoln Record Office; Westminster Abbey Library; The British Library; Leicester University Library; Cambridge
University Library; Oakham School Library; Loughborough Library; Leicestershire Archaeological and Historical Society
Library; London & Metropolitan Archive; Public Record Office, Kew; Loughborough Bell Foundry; Donnington le Heath Manor;
Gainsborough Old Hall; Rutland County Library; Rutland County Museum; Oliver Cromwell’s House at Ely; Laxton (Notts);
Numerous churches & seventeenth century houses; Tallow Chandlers’ Hall, London.
Group study sessions have included: Palaeography; Using Information Technology; Extracting information from Parish
Records; Dendrochronology; Maps and the Landscape; Village Buildings; Introduction to Field Walking; Langham's Medieval
Fields; The Archaeological History of Langham Church; Langham and St Helen.
It has become increasingly evident that there is far more to research than we could possibly have imagined and that, without
a deadline, the project could have run for at least another two years. As it is, areas for continuing research continue to
be identified and researched as time allows.
During the course of the project the group has also been involved in: The publication of a Village Walk leaflet; the translation
of the Manor Court Rolls 1486 to 1546; the identification of the 11th century village cross; the locating and dating of high
status 12th & 15th century houses.
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
Introduction to LVHG