Prior to the opening in 1891 of a Reading Room in the Institute (Village
Hall) there was a reading room in a local cottage. New members had to
be vetted by the vicar.
The room was open to ‘Men Only’ from 10am to 10pm Monday to
Saturday and during the winter months an open fire was kept going all
day, this was especially welcomed by the many elderly members.
The National Daily papers were delivered each morning and the Leicester Mercury in the evening.
A number of periodicals were also available. In the days before there was a radio in every home,
access to daily papers was keenly sought. The reading room had strict rules, no noise, rowdy
games or gambling were permitted.
The papers were ‘sold’ once a year at the AGM and the buyers for the year could collect the dailies
at 9pm on the day of delivery, the weeklies on the following week.
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
The Institute - Reading Room
The Institute (Village Hall) - Church Street - Mr Tidd outside his Bakery (background left)
Photo pre 1920 - LVHG