In 1931, Emma Palmer, together with four of her sons, moved from Cold Overton Road to Bridge Street.
Her husband, William, had been killed in the First World War and she was left to bring up the remaining
six of her seven sons by herself.
A workshop already existed at Bridge Street having been used by Johnny Fawkes as a cobblers shop.
Three of the brothers, Len, Fred and Harold, set up, on a part time basis, the cycle repair business, also
dealing with motor bikes and cars (and anything else mechanical or electrical). About 1936 they built the
little wooden shop on the roadside which remained unchanged until the start of the 21st century.
During the war the sons were all away on military service or essential war work and Emma Palmer
remained in the house with Harold‘s wife, Harriet, and their two children, Jean (who lives there
now) and Barbara. Fred had set up a charger for accumulators and Harriet kept this going
throughout the war. (Accumulators were two volt rechargeable glass enclosed lead acid batteries
used for wireless sets - if you don‘t remember the old days!)
After the war Harold returned and kept the cycle repair business going on a part time basis while
working at the Brewery, and later keeping the grocery shop in Well Street (now closed). Eventually he
retired but still maintained the cycle repairs and paraffin sales until his death at the beginning of 1986.
Jean, his daughter, and her husband Roland, maintained the cycle business and paraffin sales, still on a
part time basis until the start of the 21st century.
Langham Village History Group ~ © 1996 - 2022
The Bike Shop - Roland Brown
Glass Accumulor